clocks go to hell!!!!!!
u suck and ur going to hell
clocks suck ass
clocks go to hell!!!!!!
u suck and ur going to hell
clocks suck ass
When a Clock dies, the teachings of StrawberryClock tell us that he or she is elevated to His right hand, there to observe the Universe, reflect upon reality, and be nutured in His loving embrace.
Through a life of selflessness, good works, compassion, humility, and love for one another, we are raised to His head. There, He shares with us the fruits of His ancient wisdom, and we in turn share with Him the lessons we have learned from such a life. He also lets us eat an occasional planet when He is at His most benevolent.
On the other hand, the teachings tell us that skeevy Canadian nerd-bois who masturbate to doctored nudie pictures of Britney Spears are reserved a place in the deepest regions of your Hell. Also, those who do not vote 5 are headed in that general direction, as well. I would enjoy your AC while you can. :-)
So Lone Star ... I see your schwartz is as big as mine lets see how well you handle it
Age 38, Male
Swedish Chef
Joined on 2/9/02